Hello and welcome back (if you're an existing reader).
When I designed my website many months back, I liked the UI and for the very first time I added blog section which I used for writing Tutorials and Articles.
It worked well, But the tutorials I wrote were lengthy and from what I've read and experienced Lenghty Tutorials makes user lose their interest.
I could have easily written the Tutorials in different pages allowing users (You) to read easily and I did., But I felt it lacked someting.
And I knida lost interest on Writing as I got busy with other projects and my internal writing experience was BAD as I was using HTML., I had planned on using Markdown but I dropped the idea.
I started writing a book because Why Not?, And while doing my research for best ways on Writing an Ebook, I found GitBook And I fell in love with their UI Templates and Their usage of Markdown for writing content.
I did little search and Found Gatsby JS, Played with it a little and decided to move forward with it. (more on Gatsby JS in upcoming tutorials)
And what you're seeing right now is the result.
I primarily don't like the UI as much (compared to my previous website design) But this is the best I have come up with for Writing as well as presenting my tutorials and articles to you for reading.
They are still online and accessible at Dhruv Kumar Jha - V1. Rather than re-writing the previous articles I decided to keep them as they are and focus on writing newer Tutorials here.
I created a separate page from where We can keep track of different Ideas, Tutorials I am working on and Tutorial Requests: Upcoming Tutorials, Articles and Tutorial Requests
All feedbacks are much appreciated., And you can Subscribe to my Newsletter to keep upto date with everything I do.
Thank you.